Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So I am at work and all of my work is caught up. What to do now? I don't know so I thought that I would log in and post. I am looking forward to this weekend in getting to see all of my family when they come in for K.C.'s baptism. I really miss having mom around. In fact I miss talking to her since I haven't gotten to in a while and when I have they have been short converstations. I am hoping too to catch grandma at home and chat with her a bit today. I have tried the past couple of days to get a hold of her but she has been gone. Just looking forward to seeing everyone that I haven't seen since Christmas. I am really hoping that my brother comes since I haven't seen him since like Thanksgiving and I really didn't see him that much. I miss him a lot too. He is really coming around these days, or so I think. I don't think that he will need as big as a butt kicking as I think he does. I hope that things go his way here soon and for both him and mom and dad that he gets to move out of their house. I hope that he is getting smarter with his money and saving a little. I worry about him a lot expecially since last year. I know that things have changed a bit for him and that he has learned something but I still worry. He is my only brother and I love him. Only 29 more days till I leave on vacation to mom and dad's house and then to Florida with K.C., mom, my aunts, and grandma. Girls Only! Yeah! It will be nice to have a break from work since I have now worked my real hours 3 weeks in a row and it has been a long time since I have done that but the pay checks I get will be looking good. Well I would like to post to Walker family life before more work comes in the door (work that I am expecting to come in). So ya'll have a great day and look forward to hopefully posting tomorrow.

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