Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So I have come off the worst night ever of working L and D! I walked into a mess that put me more then 3 hours behind in my job. It is a good thing I work 12 hour shift or else I don't think I could have ever got caught up and I still had to leave a few odds and ends for day shift to pick up even though they were already short. So needless to say I am not really happy about that then to turn around and read comments posted to someone's blog that prove people are stupid. No women has ever walked around 10 cm dilated and no effacement it is just not possible. 10 cm is when you push the baby out. Plus the baby head coming down caused both dialation and effacement. I just hate when people try to talk about something that they know nothing about. I have had to stop watching Bringing Home Baby on TLC because I get so mad a people who want to breastfeed but do stupid stuff (don't even get me started). Do your homework people. There is no book, internet source or professional lactation consultant that will tell you breastfeeding is EASY! NO it really takes some work. You never do thing for the first time will out any flaws what makes you think that a new baby is going to? ARRRR.... I am just mad. I am not sure there is much that wouldn't make me mad at this point... well other then my kids because Ephriam is sleeping and miss thing is here with me and gave daddy a run for his money last night. Any who off to bed I go to hopefully get some sleep and an attitude adjustment.

1 comment:

cdwalker247 said...

I think that you should stop watching all of those yucky baby shows anyways. Its like the miracle of life 8 hours a day at my house.....lets keep that tv child appropriate please LOL!!!